Union banking from a bank that stands with Labor
Founded by the Amalgamated Clothing and Textiles union in 1923, Amalgamated Bank has always been dedicated to supporting workers by actively advocating for workers’ protections to promoting wage fairness and job creation.
How we're different
We’re proud to support working families and to serve hundreds of unions across the country by providing tailored banking solutions designed to meet the unique banking needs of union members and local and national union organizations including the AFL-CIO. We have stood up for workers' rights and know what it means to be part of a union – because we were founded by one nearly a century ago.
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Latest featured client
Workers United
Workers United is a Labor Union with over 100 years of history and 80,000 members. Their beginnings were instrumental for the development of the Labor Movement in the 20th Century. Workers United are the Union of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, the 1910 Chicago Strike, Sidney Hillman and Amalgamated Bank. Today, Amalgamated Bank and Workers United are still aligned and united through shared values, support of Collective Bargaining and a clear path towards social and economic advancement for everyone. We are proud to bank Workers United and support their values.
Talk to us

Constance "Lynn" Dorsey
First Vice President, Commercial Banking, Mid-Atlantic Region